Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Cookies

  • Tracey from A Cottage Industry is hosting a Virtual Cookie Exchange. Click here to visit her blog.
  • Susan of foodblogga is hosting Eat Christmas Cookies event . Click here to go see all the yummy cookies sent to her event.

    Recipes for Peanut Blossoms, Melting Moments and Pecan Shortbreads are from the Joy of baking site. Click here for the recipes. The fudge recipe is from and the Eggnog Cookies are from Karen Cooks blog

Clockwise from top - Chocolate Fudge, Eggnog Cookies, Peanut Blossom Cookies, Melting Moments and more Eggnog Cookies. In the center are the Pecan Shortbreads.

Cookie Platters

Wrapped Up

Thanks for visiting. Please have some eggnog


Susan from Food Blogga said...

The striped Hershey's kisses look so pretty atop your cookies! What beautiful cookie trays those are. Thank you for sharing!

Susan from Food Blogga said...

Oops, I forgot. I'm updating my cookie post now and added yours, so would you please add a link to it? :)

Ali said...

What a great job! I love the idea of eggnog in a martini glass.

Cindy said...

Those looks so yummy! I agree that the striped kisses look so pretty!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Wow, thank you for reminding me about Melting Moments. I don't think I have made those in over 20 years. I use to make them for my grandmother all the time when she was living. She loved them.

Merry CHRISTmas!



Barbara said...

Wow, the cookies look and sound great. Wish I had seem them earlier. Merry Christmas